Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm not lazy, really.

I got on ravelry. If that doesn't get me blogging, nothing will, because it it SUPER cool.
Nobody cares but me, but I in fact was right about the amount of yarn my grandmother would need for that blanket. She handed the finished object to me with three balls of untouched yarn and a little of a fourth left. Ha. I was also right about how much yarn my MIL would need for the Snorty beach robe, but that's another story.
Snorty has survived 6 months with us as his parents. As our neighbor says, "What a cunning baby boy." No, really, she says that. She's the only person I've ever met who uses definition number 4.
There was more, I'm sure, but the boy is up and I can't remember what it was now. Sigh.
I have to learn to type and think faster, I think.