Sunday, March 18, 2007

Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear

Squeakypants was napping on Thursday when I decided to grab the Lopi remnants I got at the stash swap and start on a felted draft dodger for the front door. I knew that the circulars I wanted to use were in my knitting basket, but it was kind of a tangled mess and I couldn't grab them immediately. I decided to clean out the basket - how bad could it be?
I have now faced the full extent of my UFOs, and I am shamed. I present the following in archeological order, with the top layers first.
knitbasket contents 1From the bottom: Red sweater for Squeakypants, blue socks that I'm knitting two at once to avoid second sock syndrome, Ribby Cardi that I stopped working on when I realized that pregancy wouldn't let me wear it for a while, mittens with pop-tops for my dad in a pretty green/purple mix I found at Fiber Loft, shawl that I wanted to make for the wedding in St. Thomas that I ended up not being able to go to because: pregnant, blood clot, dissertation.
knitbasket contents that I was working on for a coat out of Red Pearl Uraguayan yarn, SnBN armwarmer plus yarn for the other, and one, two, THREE unfinished sets of socks, most of which haven't even made it to the one-sock stage (hence the need for two at once in the blue cotton yarn, above).

knitbasket contents 3 ... AAAAAAND a yarmulke I was making for myself with the white tree of Gondor on it (I started it just before Two Towers came out, yes it has been that long, and a ball of mohair that I was making into a lace something or other, but I suck at lace. It looks like just a ball of yarn with an ugly cast-on row because when I pulled it out of the basket it started to frog itself, and since I know full well that mohair doesn't frog, I felt I had to finish the job before the yarn remembered itself and stopped letting me frog it.
big green fuzzy blanket ...this doesn't even fit into my knitting basket.
Notice that starting on the very first layers of excavation, some of the projects don't even have needles on them anymore. This is because I took the needles out to work on something else. I also had at least three sets of yarn in the basket waiting to start up something new.
I was so proud of how well I de-stashed last week, but I now see that I have a more serious problem. I think I may have to institute a rule where I can only buy more yarn when I've finished a UFO.
Unless it's on a really good sale.
Or it's something I really really want.
At least I found the needles.
circular needles

Friday, March 09, 2007

Little Bits

Nothing picture-worthy this week, but little things have happened which are good.

1. Found a pattern for a knitted frog closure, not that I used that pattern. But I like the pattern, so I want to keep it handy. I made one frog on the sweater, and cleared the pattern with some other knitters at...

2. Stashplosion. Boy, was that fun. I brought two big bags of yarn, and came home with one big bag that was at least half new (to me) yarn, slightly less than half yarn that I didn't get a chance to overdye, two hanks of my first attempts at handpainting, plus a seder plate. (Long story.) I managed to be very very good on the getting-rid-of-yarn front, even going so far as to push a pile of fingeringish weight wool on someone who didn't really want it. Probably ungracious of me, but I have admitted that I will NEVER knit anything of substance at that gauge, and she said she'd be able to give it away. Plus it really is very pretty yarn. Just, you know, a gauge problem. I also brought along my sister-in-law-the-younger (Hee. That makes her SILTY.), and got her started with a big bag of new stash from the other generous knitters there. She likes green: therefore it was determined that she get pretty much every green yarn there. Hee. I am a bad influence. But really she only deserved it, having made...

3. Baby's first DNA for Squeakypants. She even modified it at my FIL's suggestion so that the bases were two different sizes, which they are in real life. Lovely SILTY. Squeakypants will love it. Or else.

So it actually seems like I lied: I can see a couple things are actually picture-worthy. Unfortunately, I can't get up right now, as I am under a sleeping Squeakypants. We'll see if I update sometime this week, or if the pics of the DNA and handpaint go up next week. Or, knowing me, never.

Oh! I almost forgot! How cool is this?
Random stripes generator
I have about 12 balls of Classic Elite Tweed 03 that must have been demos from last year's Fiber Loft sale - all different colors. I almost brought it to stashsplosion, but didn't because I've been dreaming of a striped sweater. I am so glad I kept this yarn now, I can't even tell you. I may just sit around hitting refresh for an hour. Nothing else to do with sleeping Snorty on my belly, anyways... yee!