Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Nothing to report.
Lots of work stuff going on of course, but nobody wants to hear about that. Going to the first childbirth class tonight. Had my glucose test today. Not a lot of knitting done. Some crochet on the jolly green giganto-blanket, but not so you'd notice.
I need a haircut.
I had a nice birthday, despite the fact that every time I tell people what I did (worked), it becomes clear that they think my birthday was pathetic. But it really was nice. I got a lot done, which is always very satisfying. A friend brought me profiteroles. My grandma sang me Happy Birthday three times (once on each answering machine, once live). The hub got me a gift certificate for a pregnancy massage. It was a good day.
And now I'm going back to work. Snert still seems like a happy boy. He's kicking hard enough that I can see my belly move from the outside now.
It's all pretty much nothing to report, is what I'm saying.
Aaaand back to work.

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