Friday, November 17, 2006


OK, no more posting for at least two weeks, and hopefully for a month. I'm trying to graduate, and that means writing my thesis has to take priority over everything else, including knitting, crafting, social gatherings, and possibly eating.

There are several tantalizing carrots at the end of this trial.
Sleep. A little time off before Snert emerges. The Hub has promised to buy all the gifts for the holidays. An end to this particular stress.
And, amazingly, yarn. The extra skein of red Svale came today, and it is the same dye lot as the rest of the Snert sweater. I am a very happy camper.

Now I just *have* to graduate.

1 comment:

Dharia said...

good for you! you can do it.
i look forward to celebrating, gabbing, and crafting with you again when its done.
good luck!