Wednesday, October 25, 2006

After The Blood Clot - We're Home!

10 Things About Leaving The Hospital.
1. Real clothing doesn't show your undies to everyone
2. Real clothing includes a bra, which is nice for a chesty person like myself
3. Normal food
4. Sleeping next to, not just in the same room as, your spouse
5. Nurses don't cheerfully wake you up to give you a shot
6. (If you happen to have our friends in Atlanta) BEAN PIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
7. Normal beds don't shreik and squeal when you change position
8. Not having to measure your liquid intake and output
9. Standing up is a completely underrated activity
10. Less of that pesky crushing boredom

1. Real clothing doesn't inspire the spouse to quote Total Recall ("You're in a johnny cab") every time you get out of bed
2. There's something to be said about flying free for a couple days
3. There is no negative to this - even hospital jello is more disgusting than normal
4. Somehow the spouse has turned into a blanket-stealer
5. Now you have to cheerfully give yourself a shot, which isn't as easy as you might think
6. There is absolutely no negative to this - bean pie is divine
7. Ah, but normal beds don't have the craftmatic-adjustable foot raiser thingy either
8. Measuring intake and output increases your intake, which gets rid of that lingering pregnancy edema
9. Standing up now requires support hose
10. Hospital boredom sure does let you catch up on sleep. Nap, ho!

Over all, the pros have it. I think we've discovered that hospital stays are overrated.

This post is dedicated to two groups of people.
First of all, the doctors and nurses at Atlanta's Northside Hospital are, in general, awesome. They're not the #1 deliverer of babies in the nation for nothing, I tell you. Kind and knowledgable staff, constant support, and visiting dogs - what else could one ask for? So to Pamela, Yvonne, Carliss, Emma, Kathy, Ellen, Nicole, Kim, and anyone else I've forgotten - thanks.
Secondly, our friends MIR and MR in Atlanta went far beyond the call of duty. They put us up from Friday night to Tuesday morning on almost no notice. They rented movies, got extra pillows, made us meals and let us do laundry, all while I sat on their couch like a lump of oatmeal with my feet up, complaining that I couldn't walk around. And then? They sent us home with a bean pie. We're lucky to have such good friends, and we're even luckier that they live in Atlanta. Thanks just isn't enough. Simply stated: you guys rock.


Dharia said...

hey! i'm so glad you are home, safe and sound. When are you accepting visitors?

and yes, people take that whole 'standing up' thing for granted. When i had back surgery, they brought in a physical therapist to RETEACH me how to do it!

Bobbi said...

I'm so glad you're home! My only hospital stay was when Claire was born, and I absolutely agree with your pro/con assessment of hospitalization.